We offer virtual and in-person clubs that allow people with a learning disability to meet others and try new things. They are activity-led and suitable for a wide range of ages and abilities. Free taster sessions are available on request.
Saturday clubs for young autistic people:
In Herne Bay there is a Saturday club for young autistic people to make friends and share their experiences. This club supports young autistic people to get involved with community projects that matter to them.
The club takes place in Herne Bay from 10-1pm and each session is £5. Please contact Louise McAlpine or Kelly Forest on 07490 773593 for more information.

Bowling Club
Our Bowling Club for adults and children takes place every Wednesday, from 4.30 to 6.30pm, at Bugsy’s Bowling in Margate.
The club provides the opportunity for people with a learning disability to take part in a team-based activity in a way that's comfortable for them.
The cost is £5.70 per game. Please arrive as close to 4.30pm as you can to take part.
Each club night is facilitated by a number of support workers and volunteers, all of whom are DBS regulated. However, as this is a club all participants must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver unless they are independent and over 18.
This club does not run during half terms. Call Ange Brown on 07818 497093 for more information.
Gateway Club
Our Gateway Club is every Monday evening from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Foresters Hall, Ramsgate, for adults with a learning disability.
Join us for a variety of activities from discos and karaoke to quizzes and games.
Entry is £3.50 per person. Please call Angela Hughes on 01843 808 964 for more information and to book a place.